Cli Alias Dump

Cli Alias Dump

- 5 mins


Here is a random assortment of some bash-aliases I use semi-frequently that I think other people might enjoy or find helpful. This is a blunder of shortcuts I have created over the years and was inspired by this reddit post. If you find this info useful let me know on Twitter


Edit your .bashrc file and make sure this if statement is added

if [ -f ~/.bash_aliases ]; then
    . ~/.bash_aliases

Once done, if you already have a bash_aliases file you can create one like this or copy the command below

$ touch ~/.bash_aliases

Next, you can copy everything below or click this link to grab a raw copy of the aliases and add them to your .bash_aliases


ls aliases

alias ll=’ls -alF’ alias la=’ls -A’ alias l=’ls -CF’


alias gac=’gimme-aws-creds’

apt pacakge manager

alias install=’sudo apt install -y’ alias purge=’sudo apt purge -y’ alias search=’apt search’ alias update=’sudo apt update’ alias upgrade=’sudo apt-get upgrade -y’ alias list=’dpkg -l’

alias shortcuts (all duplicates)

alias srcz=’source ~/.bashrc’ alias update-alias=’source ~/.bashrc’ alias update-bashrc=’source ~/.bashrc’

gathering logs

alias logs=’journalctl -f’ alias end-logs=’journalctl -xe’

systemd services

alias start=’systemctl start’ alias stop=’systemctl stop’ alias status=’systemctl status’ alias restart=’systemctl restart’

some good stuff

alias campfire=’aafire -driver curses’ alias check-moon=’curl’ alias moon=’curl’ alias check-weather=’curl’ alias weather=’curl’ alias crypto=’curl’ alias egrep=’egrep –color=auto’ alias fgrep=’fgrep –color=auto’ alias grep=’grep –color=auto’ alias l=’ls -CF’ alias la=’ls -A’ alias ll=’ls -alF’ alias ls=’ls –color=auto’ alias start-matrix=’cmatrix’ alias tartar=’tar -zxvf’ alias check-size=’du -sh *’ alias dush=’du -sh *’ alias sort-size=’du -sh * | sort -h’ alias dusort=’du -sh * | sort -h’ alias update-vim=’vim +PluginInstall +qall’

alias p3=’python3’ alias p3p=’python3 -m pip’ alias p3pi=’python3 -m pip install’

kubernetes shortcuts

alias k=’kubectl’ alias mk=’minikube’

Vagrant shortcuts

alias vg=’vagrant’ alias vgu=’vagrant up’ alias vgd=’vagrant destroy’ alias vgp=’vagrant up –provision’

Precommit shortcuts

alias precommit=’pre-commit’ alias prcinit=’precommit install && precommit autoupdate’

Terraform shortcuts

alias tf=’terraform’ alias tfutils=’tf-utils’ alias tfi=’tf init’ alias tfp=’tf plan’ alias tfa=’tf apply’ alias tfd=’tf destroy’ alias tfiu=’tf init -upgrade’ alias tflogsd=’export TF_LOG=”DEBUG” ‘ alias tflogst=’export TF_LOG=”TRACE” ‘ alias tflogse=’export TF_LOG=”” ‘ alias rmtf=’rm -rf .terraform && rm -rf .terraform.lock.hcl && echo “deleted .terraform directory and .terraform.lock.hcl”’ alias rmtfs=’rm -rf terraform.tfstate && echo “deleted terraform state file”’


alias dcps=’sudo docker ps’ alias dci=’sudo docker images’ alias dcvls=’sudo docker volume ls’ alias dcnls=’sudo docker network ls’ alias dck=’docker rmi -f $(docker images -a -q)’ alias dcstop=’sudo docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)’ alias dcom=’docker-compose’ alias dcu=’docker-compose up -d’ alias dcd=’docker-compose down’ alias dcl=’docker-compose logs’ alias dcb=’docker-compose build’ alias dcub=’docker-compose up –build’ alias dcvp=’docker volume prune -f’ alias dcnp=’docker network prune -f’ alias dcrmi=’docker rmi -f $(docker images -a -q)’


remove spaces from files in current dir
clearspaces-file () {
  find . -name "* *" -type d | rename 's/ /_/g'
remove spaces from directories in current dir
clearspaces-dir () {
  find . -name "* *" -type f | rename 's/ /_/g'
docker-container-clear akak docker-nuke function
dcc () {
  echo 'Stopping running containers (if available)...'
  docker stop $(docker ps -aq) && sleep 1
  echo 'Removing containers ..'
  docker rm $(docker ps -aq)  && sleep 1
  echo 'Removing images ...'
  docker rmi $(docker images -q)  && sleep 1
  echo 'Revoming docker container volumes (if any)'
  docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q)  && sleep 1


alias gco=”git checkout $1” alias ghauth=’gh auth status’

update all git repo’s in github dir
gpall () {
  cd ~/github/
  find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -print -exec git -C {} pull \;
  cd -

function gcm() {
  git checkout main
create new branch
gnb () {
  git checkout -b $branchName
  git push --set-upstream origin $branchName
delete branch
gdb () {
  git branch -d $branchName
  git push origin --delete $branchName
delete branch and return to master or main
gdbm () {
  local branches=$(git branch)
  local top=main
  local oldbranch=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
  if [[ $oldbranch == $top ]]; then
    echo "current branch is $top, exiting..."
  git checkout $top
  git pull
  gdb $oldbranch
create pull request from current branch to target branch, default to master
gpr () {
  local currentbranch=$(git branch --show-current)
  local prstatus=$(gh pr status)
  local currentbranchstatus=$(echo $prstatus | rg -i "$currentbranch")
  if [[ $currentbranchstatus == *"Merged"* || $prstatus == *"There is no pull request associated with [$currentbranch]"* ]]; then
    echo "[ creating pull request... ]"
    gh pr create --base main --fill
    local prurl=$(getprurl $currentbranch)
    echo -n $prurl | xclip
    echo "copied to clipboard"
    echo "[ pull request already exists ]"
    local prurl=$(getprurl $currentbranch)
    echo "pr url: $prurl"
    echo -n $prurl | xclip
    echo "copied to clipboard"
git add and commit
gcom () {
  local msg=${1}
  if [[ $msg == "" ]]; then
    echo "Missing commit message. Exiting..."
    echo "Running command: ${BLUE}git add . && git commit -m \"${YELLOW}$msg\""
    echo "[ ${BLUE}GIT ADD ]"
    git add .
    echo "[ GIT COMMIT ]"
    git commit -m "$msg"
    echo "[ GIT COMMIT STATUS ]"
    git status