Tedley Meralus
Father, Linux Engineer, Twin
Blogs Coming Soon
What time is it? Ansible Time!
Useradd or Add User
Locking and unlocking system accounts
cron vs systemd-timers
File Permissions and Stat
Resetting root passwords in RHEL
Cat tail more less, and the whole pie
Docker understanding
Github Actionns Reactions
Open the Pod Bay Doors
Ubuntu Kernel updates
Modernize your infrastructure by leveraging docker
Terraform Workspaces Part 2
Terraform Workspaces Part 1
Wazuh - Why the blue wolf wins
Boiling a fresh Flask
Git Landscaping
Making good choices with ansible
A history of DevOps, sort of
Career Reflection
What defines my name
Software Development Methodologies
SSH and Handshakes
Ansible and Elastic Compute Cloud EC2
Vagrant and M1 macbook development
Postgres Provisioning with Ansible
Revamped Postgres commands
Sysadmin tasks with Ansible
Grow through what you go through
Testing terraform with Linode and saving money
Creating Github repos with CLI
Projects and Practicing Boundaries Update
Fun with Bash scripts
Reflecting as a Devops Engineer
Finding time to rest
Deploy wordpress on AWS with Terraform
Cli Alias Dump
Project: Containerize Wordpress with Docker Compose
Ansible testing with Vagrant
SIEM Protection in 2023 | Wazuh
Projects and Practicing Boundaries
Devops and Healthcare
Wordpress deployment with Terraform
QA Analyst Challenge part 4
QA Analyst Challenge part 3
QA Analyst Challenge part 2
The QA Analyst Challenge
Spin up Jenkins in aws with Terraform
Bash one-line trick to pull all your GitHub repositories
Github ssh-keys for work and for play
From Passion to a Professional Career
2022 Unfinished PC Upgrade
Fixing Battery Issue for Thinkpad X1 carbon
The Future of Movie theatres, The excitement of new stories
2022 Dev Environment with Ansible
Babies and Bad Habits
VIM Cheat Sheet
Postgres Cheat Sheet
Checking Websockets with curl
Magic Wormhole
Ansible Testing Do's and Docker
Infrastructure security with Wazuh and SIEM
Git vs Github and Pokemon
Securing your piece of the internet
Ubuntu Dual Hard drive setup
Hard Drive Hassles and a broken WAP
The Importance of Failure
Out with the old, in with the Nagios?
Which came first? The chicken or the job experience?
Landed on Mercury
laptop battery performance with linux
My Development Environment
Slow steps to Freedom and Open Source
Terminator Terminal App
Linux File Structure Explained
Nat-Geo Wwallpaper app
Simple Site Setup
Create aliases in Linux
Terminal Magic with Linux
Movie Magic with Linux
Bash-Scripting and Backups
New App Alert Stress Test Tool
Nick Foles and Ansible
BTRFS Filesystems
Palmbeach Tech Hackathon
WhoVisions LLC
SomeDiceGuys DnD Podcast
SingleTwin IT Solutions
RIP Kenny Mercury
iElectrofix Solutions
CompTIA IT Roadmap 2012
CompTIA IT Roadmap 2020